
2023/1/9 13:28:08  发表于732天前

Robert Pattinson is officially the new Batman.


Warner Bros. has closed a deal for the “Twilight” actor to play the Caped Crusader in “The Batman.”


Matt Reeves’ superhero tentpole hits theaters on June 25, 2021. Variety first reported on May 16 that Pattinson was in negotiations for the part. The studio confirmed on Friday that he had signed a deal.


Pre-production on the Warner Bros.-DC Comics pic is expected to start this summer. No official start date has been set for filming “The Batman.”


Reeves, the filmmaker behind the last two “Planet of the Apes” sequels, assumed “Batman” directing duties from Ben Affleck in January 2017. Reeves will produce “The Batman” with his “Planet of the Apes” collaborator Dylan Clark.

最后两部《人猿星球》续集的电影制作人里夫斯执导了2017年1月份 Ben Affleck参演的《蝙蝠侠》,他将继续和拍摄《人猿星球》时的搭档Dylan Clark共同创作《蝙蝠侠》。

Affleck starred as Batman in two titles directed by Zack Snyder: 2016’s “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” and 2017’s “Justice League.” Both films received mixed reviews and were a disappointment for Warner Bros. in its efforts to compete with Marvel Studios in the superhero realm.

Affleck最开始是在Zack Snyder执导的两部电影中饰演蝙蝠侠:2016年的《蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明》和2017年的《正义联盟》。这两部电影都是毁誉参半,对华纳兄弟公司来说是个败笔,使其在与漫威工作室超级英雄领域的竞争中失利。

Pattinson became a star following the breakout success of the five-film “Twilight” franchise, in which he portrayed the vampire Edward Cullen opposite Kristen Stewart’s Bella Swan.


Pattinson is starring with John David Washington in Christopher Nolan’s latest film, “Tenet,” set to open July 17, 2020. He toplines “The Lighthouse,” which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival, and appeared in Claire Denis’ “High Life,” “The King” for Netflix and “Waiting for the Barbarians.”

帕丁森正和John David Washington合作拍摄克里斯托弗·诺兰的最新电影《信条》(Tenet),该片定于2020年7月17日上映。他的表演使在戛纳电影节首映的《灯塔》登上头条,他还出演了克莱尔·丹尼斯的《太空生活》、网飞的《The King》,还有《等待野蛮人》。

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